Letter: Smoking ban bad for business

As a former resident of Champaign, and a former bar employee, I found great disappointment in the recent passing of the C-U smoking ban. It should be noted up front that I am a non-smoker.

During the past 10 years, the Champaign government has been trying to aid business growth. The downtown area has gone from a ghost town to a thriving destination. Green Street has been revamped, bringing new business to town. Why, then, has the government given in to this agenda that is sure to impede growth in one of the city’s largest industries – restaurants and bars?

The city of Huntsville, Ala., adopted a similar ban. However, they gave the choice to businesses to either be completely smoke-free, or to allow smoking in all areas of the establishment. Most restaurants went smoke-free, while most bars kept their smoking designation. Smokers have their hangouts, and non-smokers have their oases. That’s what happens when we are given choices. Still, there was a definite economic impact. Restaurant bars sat mostly empty and also saw a huge decrease in alcohol sales. It’s naive and irresponsible for the ban’s proponents to dismiss the economic impact that’s sure to come.

If business owners prefer their establishments be smoke free, then go ahead. What’s stopping them? While some businesses thrive on being smoke free, others thrive on allowing it. As consumers, I’m sure we can make our own choices about our destinations.

Jeff Christensen

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